# Welcome to SMSGenius

SMSGenius is an ultra-high performance software that enables you to maximize profits in your SMS campaigns.

It contains everything you need to excel in this field and be among the top 0.1% of marketers.

It was created by a team of SMS marketing experts who have already sent tens of millions of SMS messages. Their methods have generated revenues amounting to hundreds of millions of euros for their clients.

100% of the inhabitants of certain countries have already received one of their SMS messages, maybe even you!

Initially, this tool was supposed to remain private, but its creator decided to make it available to everyone, out of love for marketing and this incredible yet neglected lever, SMS marketing. 💞

# What is SMSGenius 🧠

SMSGenius contains all the tools you need to generate significant profits by sending SMS marketing messages. Whether you're an affiliate for goods or services, or involved in lead generation. Whether you're promoting your own products or not. Wherever you are in the world, SMSGenius is the best solution ever created for making money on the internet.

# Key Features

The strength of SMSGenius is that it allows you to do extremely complex things in an extremely simple way.

Among these are:

  • 🔍 Tracking clicks, conversions, micro-conversions (e.g., clicking a particular button on your website), revenue, and ROI, all without using any cookies 🚫🍪. For those in the know, we generate ClickIDs for you and even provide you with a Postback URL to track your conversions (goodbye Voluum).
  • 🧬 Personalizing each of your SMS messages with variables like last name, first name, etc.
  • 🎯 Managing extremely complex audience segments in a few clicks. What's really good is that these segments update instantly whenever a change affects them. This allows you to always be perfectly organized and to send to the right people. Here are some examples of audience segments you can create:
    • Segment containing all the people you have never sent an SMS to before
    • Segment containing all the people to whom you have already sent an SMS but who have not yet converted.
    • Segment containing all the people who clicked but have not yet converted
    • Segment containing all the people who have already clicked the button to go from the pre-landing to the landing page but have not yet converted
    • Segment containing all the people who have signed up but have not generated revenue for you
    • Etc. etc.
  • 🔗 Shortening your URLs automatically and buying dozens of short domains in a single click. Additionally, you can rotate domains after every x number of SMS sent to avoid landing in spam.
  • 🏷️ Creating a unique user experience by displaying information like the recipient's name, first name, date of birth, etc., on the landing page.
  • 🔬 You will have the ability to A/B test everything you want: gateway, route, senderID, and message.
  • ⏯️ You will have the option to send your SMS in batches, with the ability to start or stop the sending process instantaneously, while monitoring clicks, conversions, payouts, etc., in real-time.
  • 🤖 You will be able to send SMS while setting a minimum CTR, CVR, or ROI threshold (Autopilot mode). In this case, SMSGenius will take care of sending your SMS in small batches, wait for this batch to reach this threshold to send the next one, and so on. Eliminating unpleasant surprises.

# How to Get Started Quickly with SMSGenius 💣

Getting started is very simple.

All you have to do is connect the SMS gateway of your choice.

100% of the gateways are compatible and will be set up for free by a member of our team, all in less than 24 hours (most of the time it only takes 5 minutes).

After that, you can send SMS with SMSGenius.

I advise you to follow the "Quick Start Guide" to get started as quickly as possible.

Then, you can deep-dive into the documentation of each section to become a true expert of SMSGenius.

Are you ready? Let's go! 🔥🔥🔥